Accounting Statement

This Statement shows the transactions for each Account Card, including their Accumulated Balance.

WizCount offers two Statement reports – one statement shows only NIS amounts for each transaction, while the other statement, designed for those engaged in exporting and importing, shows both the amount in NIS and the amount in F/X for each transaction.

The Statement Data Filtering includes two elements:

  1. Filtering the Account Cards the report includes.
  2. Transactions Filtering.

Account Balance: In this clause, the cards can be filtered by their ending balance (only include cards with a credit balance, exclude zero balance cards etc.).

Print Cards With Opening Balance And No Transactions: Mark this checkbox for the report to include cards which their balance derives from an Opening Balance transaction only. Meaning, cards that do not have transactions in the current Transactions Filtering.

Include IFRS transactions: Check this checkbox to include IFRS batches in the report.


Printing Properties

Sort Transactions By: Use this option to select the field by which the software will order (sort) the transactions.

Print Sort subtotals: WizCount will print the subtotal according to the selected Sort Field

(For example, if Contra Account was selected as the Sort Field, WizCount will print the subtotal below the transactions of each Contra Account).