Discount Codes


Different businesses have different methods of giving customer discounts and receiving vendor discounts. WizCount supports a variety of options for setting discounts:

  1. A special quotation can be set for a particular transaction.
  2. A special price list can be set for a specific customer, and this price list can also be dependent on the purchase quantity.
  3. A fixed discount % can be set for all items using a General Discount.
  4. Discounts can be set by product groups (for example, a 10% discount on Manufacturer A products, a 15% discount on Manufacturer B products, etc.).


This window is relevant for businesses giving discounts using the fourth method (product group discounts). For each customer/vendor, and for each Items Group, you can set:

  1. The customer’s (or vendor’s) base price.
  2. The discount (in %).


In addition to setting discounts, this window is used to set commissions for salespersons.


Discount Code: One of the fields in an Item Card is the Discount Code field. When opening items, a certain discount code must be entered in all the items belonging to the same item group in terms of discount. For example, if a wholesale business sets discounts by manufacturer, then a certain Discount Code should be recorded for all the items from that manufacturer. The Discount Code recorded when opening the items should be entered in this section.


Price List: The price list that is the basis for calculating the discount (from the price lists in the Item record). WizCount will retrieve the price list name that was preset when opening the items.


Discount %: Discount % for the selected price list. A negative discount can be entered in cases where the price should be raised.


Commission %: Commission % received by the salesperson from the total sale.


When issuing Marketing and Purchase Documents, after entering the customer or vendor Key, WizCount will retrieve the prices and discounts according to the data in the window above. Example: The following terms were recorded for a certain customer:


Commission % Discount % Price List Name Discount Code
2.00 10.00 Regular selling price Manufacturer A
3.00 0.00 Sale promotion price Manufacturer B
0.00 5.00 Regular selling price Manufacturer C

In this case, the following assumptions apply:

  1. When a customer purchases items with Discount Code “Manufacturer A”, the price will be the regular sale price minus 10% discount. The salesperson will receive a 2% commission.
  2. When the customer purchases items with Discount Code “Manufacturer B”, the price will be sale promotion price with no additional discount. The salesperson will receive a 3% commission.
  3. When the customer purchases items with Discount Code “Manufacturer C”, the price will be the regular sale price minus 5% discount and no salesperson’s commission.
  4. When the customer purchases other items (for which no discounts have been set) the price will be the price recorded in the Sale Price field with no salesperson’s commission.



Save New Discount Code: After entering the new code’s data, select the Update button to the right of the Discount Code in the table.

Delete Discount Code Record: To delete a discount code from the discount table, select the Delete button to the right of the Discount Code in the table.