

This page is used for setting the notifications or disallowed operations that will be triggered when issuing marketing and purchase documents.


In most of the sections described below, the options are:

Ignore: WizCount will ignore the invalid operation. No alert will be displayed.

Alert: WizCount will display a message on the screen. The user can use their own discretion to decide whether or not to continue issuing.

Disallow: WizCount will stop the document from being issued and display an appropriate error message.


Credit limit exceeded: The customer exceeds their credit line (account balance). The maximum credit line is set on the Account Card.


Total credit risk deviation: The customer exceeds their total credit risk line. The Total Credit Risk is the account balance plus the postdated checks balance plus the open delivery notes balance. Meaning, the direct financial damage that would be caused if the customer goes bankrupt. The maximum total credit risk line is set on the Account Card.

Alert / Disallow order when the customer balance deviates from the credit risk: If this option is selected, the software will notify the user (or disallow the document issue) when issuing an order if the customer has exceeded the Total Credit Risk line. This option is particularly useful for businesses that make special orders or special production for each customer.


Negative balance: The item has a negative balance  (this balance indicates a problem with inventory records). If you select this section, you should also specify the item filtering that will be checked for a negative balance.

Calculate balance in: This section determines whether the calculation will be carried out for All warehouses or for the Transaction’s warehouse only. If you choose the second option, the software will check the inventory only in the warehouse from which the document is issued. That is, if the transaction’s warehouse does not have enough inventory, a negative balance notification will be displayed even if the overall balance of the item is positive.


Minimum price: The customer price falls below the minimum price set for this item. When this option is selected, the field that contains the minimum price should be specified in the Check price list field. The minimum price can be the purchase price or any of the item’s price lists.


Sale budget: The sale amount will result in exceeding the budget. The budget amount is determined using journal transactions recorded in a Budgetary Batch, and the budget clauses are determined by the Account Card associated with the Item Cards.


Purchase Documents Budget: The purchase amount will result in exceeding the budget. The budget amount is determined using journal transactions recorded in a Budgetary Batch, and the budget clauses are determined by the Account Card associated with the Item Cards.


In the last two sections (Sales/Purchase Documents Budget), the options are:

Do not calculate, i.e. ignore.

Calculate and alert – Calculate whether the current transaction amount exceeds the budget and display a notification message if it does.

Calculate and alert – Calculate whether the current transaction amount exceeds the budget and stop the document from being issued if it does.