Right-Click Reports


Reports created using the Report Designer can be included in the Right-Click Reports list. This allows certain users to access all the reports they need, while preventing them from accessing the Report Designer (and possibly retrieving data without appropriate permissions).


To define Report Groups, go to Reports>Right-Click Reports Settings. Enter the group name and select the reports to be included in that group. For example, you can open a group called “David” (for an employee called David) and select the reports that David is permitted to issue.


Go to General Data> Users and Permissions> Report Permissions, select the following two options:

Reports Permissions

Permission to issue reports using the Report Designer

For the second option, select the user’s designated Reports Group. In the example above, select the group: David.


To view the Right-Click Reports, click My Reports link found on every screen in the upper right corner. In the example above, when David (the employee) clicks on My Reports, he will see the list of reports he is allowed to issue.


The reports included in this framework may include parametric reports. For example, if the report is limited by dates and the date limit is set as a parameter, then when the report is issued, the user will be able to set the date filtering.