Account cards

This page is used for opening Account Cards, updating data on previously opened cards and displaying the Account Card data as you browse through the cards.

Account Cards must be opened for each customer, vendor, expense, income, creditors and debtors account, etc. Unlike other software, WizCount does not use several indexes (Customer Index, Vendor Index, Income and Expense Index, etc.) but rather has one index that includes all the Account Cards. The different types of cards (customers, vendors, revenue etc.) are distinguishable by the data recorded on the Account Card as described below.

There are two buttons at the top of the page:

New: Select this button to open a new Account Card

Paging Through: Select this button to browse through the Account Cards. 

When a specific Account Cards Filtering is selected in the Paging Through screen, e.g. Sort Code 100, WizCount will display all the Account Cards that match the selected Filtering. Account card data can be viewed in two ways:

  • Click on the symbol to the left of the Account Key. WizCount will show the account data in a separate tab. Then you can return to the Paging Through tab and move to the next account. This allows you to switch from one account to another.
  • Click the Account Key and view the Account Card in the same tab. This does not allow you to return to the Paging Through screen (so if you want to go on to the next account, you will have to reactivate the Paging Through option).


Account Index Type

Each Account Card has an Account Key. This key is a unique Account Card identifier (Similar to the ID number given to each citizen in a certain country).

The type of index is selected when opening the company. The following options are available:

Hebrew Index: Includes Hebrew and English letters and digits. Writing direction is from right to left.

English Index: Includes Hebrew and English letters and digits (like the Hebrew index) but the writing direction is from left to right.

Numeric Index: Includes digits only.

In a Hebrew or English index the length of the Account Keys does not have to be fixed. However, in a numerical index the key lengths must all be the same. This is because WizCount sorts the account numbers as if they were alphanumeric keys, instead of numbers. When all account numbers have the same length, sorting as alphanumeric keys is the same as sorting as numbers. However, if the number of characters is not the same, the sorting will go wrong. For example, the number 90 will appear after the number 100 (because the 9 is larger than 1). To prevent this, the software requires that all account numbers have the same number of characters.

The maximum Account Key length is 15 characters (whether the key is numeric or alphanumeric).

Account: use this page to open new Account Cards and update data in previously opened Account Cards. Enter the key to open a new card. In the new window that opens, confirm that you want to open the account. Continue to fill in the other sections as described below. Updating existing card data works the same way: enter the Account Key. WizCount will display the account data so you will be able to correct them as needed.

Right-click the Account field to display multiple options such as Issue checks automatically, Send Letter To Customer, Internal Matching and more.

Active/Inactive Account: This field may be used to change the Account Card status to “Inactive”. This status is used for Account Cards that already have recorded transactions (and therefore cannot be deleted) but are no longer active (e.g. a customer who declared bankruptcy, or a customer whose Account Card has been replaced with another card). When an Account Card is in the “inactive” status, the software will not allow any Journal Entries made or documents issued for that account. If the account is included in a Transaction Type, WizCount would not allow changing the account status to “inactive”. The Account Card can be returned to the “Active” status at any time.


General Data 

Name: The name of the Account Card.

Sort: The Sort Code allows you to create groups within the Account Index. Each group is characterized by a specific Sort Code. For example: Sort Code 110 for customers in Israel, Sort Code 120 for overseas customers, and Sort Code 500 for income. The Sort Codes are helpful for issuing reports. The Trial Balance is sorted as follows: Account Cards are first sorted by Sort Codes, and within each Sort Code they are sorted by Account Keys. The subtotal is printed each time a digit is changed in the Sort Code. The Sort Code can be changed at any time. This is useful in two cases: (1) when an account is moved from one group to another, e.g. where an account is mistakenly registered as a customer and must be moved to the vendor group; (2) where the subtotals do not meet the requirements (shortfall or surplus subtotals). An appropriate Header can be defined for each Sort Code, e.g. Customers in Israel. To set your Sort Codes names, go to: Account Cards> Field Names/Headers

When you click the icon on the right, the software opens a window that contains the list of Sort Codes that have been created so far.

Filtering: filtering allows merging non-sequential cards when issuing the reports. The filtering contains 5 characters (letters and numbers). Each character may specify a particular characteristic of the Account Card. When issuing reports, the Account Cards can be retrieved by any of these characteristics. For example, the first character in the filtering may indicate the customer’s country region, where “N” indicates customers in the northern part of the country, “C” indicates customers in the center, etc., while the second character may indicate the number of the salesperson managing the customer’s account. (To set a name for each character, go to: Account Cards> Field Names/Headers) The Filtering for a customer in the north that is managed by salesperson 2 is: N2^^^. The character ^ (shift+6) indicates a missing character. Each filtering must contain 5 characters. When the filtering contains less than 5 characters, the missing characters are replaced by a ^ sign. When you issue your reports, you can retrieve cards using the following commands:

N **** Retrieve all customers located in the northern region of the country.

*4*** –  Retrieve all customers who belong to salesperson #4.

N ***4 Retrieve all the customers who are located in the north and managed by salesperson #4.

As you can see from the examples above, the filtering allows you to ignore certain characters, and replace them with an asterisk (*).

When you click the icon on the right, the software opens a window that contains the description for each character.

Another way to characterize Account Cards is to open additional fields, and assign each account to the appropriate value. For example, you can open an additional field called “Region” and select the appropriate region for each customer. More information about opening new fields is provided below.

Address / City / Country / Phone Numbers / Mobile / Fax: These data are required for customer, vendor and employee cards etc. They should be skipped for income and expense cards.

E-mail: The customer’s e-mail address. Double-click the address to compose a new e-mail with MS Outlook (if installed).

Website: The business website URL. Double click the URL to go to the site.

Costing Code: WizCount includes a costing system. When recording Journal Entries, you can enter Costing Codes that will be used by the software to link the Journal Transaction to a particular Profit Center or a certain Indirect Income/Cost. When invoices are issued, the Journal Entries are updated automatically. If you enter a Costing Code in this section, the code will appear in the invoice’s Journal Entries. Of course, when you issue your invoice, you will be able to correct the Costing Code if needed.

Balance Code: The Balance Code determines the Loss and Profit Statement or Balance Sheet clause to which the card belongs. The Balance Code is chosen from a list of codes that includes the standard clauses. When you type a letter, WizCount displays the first classification beginning with that letter. If there are many values starting with the same letter, you can press it again to move to the next “page”.

Main Account: The Main Account indicates the card’s designation for accounting purposes (income, expenses, VAT, customers, banks, etc.). When WizCount issues accounting reports (VAT report, Withholding Tax report, etc.) it uses this code to know which cards contain the data for these reports.

CPA Code: Use this section to enter the code needed for the accountant software. When transferring the Trial Balance data to the accountant software, you can also transfer the code entered in this section.

6111 Report – Header/Accounting Classification: Use both these fields to choose the Accounting Code for the Account Card. Selection is made from a list set by the Israel Tax Authority. It is designated for issuing Form 6111. (The company uses this form to report the balances for each of the accounting clauses). Because the list of accounting clauses has several hundred lines, and because these clauses are subdivided into headers, the clause selection is done in two steps: first, select the Header. WizCount will display the list of clauses included under this header. Then, from this narrowed down list, select the appropriate clause.

Occupation: The occupation of the customer or vendor. This data appears in the vendor’s Withholding Tax report, so it is especially important to update it in the vendor cards. However, this data can also be filled in for customers for reports that examine the relationship between the customer’s occupation and other variable data.

Notes: This section allows you to add notes.

Balance: In this field, WizCount shows the account balance in NIS. This balance is updated automatically when you register a Journal Entry or when you issue documents that affect accounting (invoices and receipts). Of course, this balance shown on the current screen is read-only, and cannot be changed. 

Recalculate Balance: Click this button if the account balance is wrong. The software recalculates the balance based on the Journal Transactions.


Bank Account Details

Bank / Branch / Account Number: the customer’s bank account information. These data the default for issuing receipts and payments.

Company Registration Number / ID Number: This must be filled in for licensed dealers (the company tax must be printed on invoices).

Phone Number: Customer / Vendor telephone number.


VAT and Withholding Tax 

VAT registration number: the VAT registration number of the Customer or Vendor (according to bookkeeping orders, this information must be filled in on all vendor cards).

VAT Exemption: This section should be checked when the customer is VAT exempt (customer is in Eilat or abroad).

% Withholding Tax: The % tax withheld when making a payment to the vendor. This information should be entered based on the vendor’s Withholding Tax Certificate from the Income Israel Tax Authority.

Valid Until: the latest date on which the above certificate is valid.

Deduction File Number: The Deduction File Number of the customer/vendor.

Deduction Type: The type of Withholding Tax must be defined (services or assets, insurance commission, interest and linkage differentials, agricultural produce or income tax regulations). A report up to 1000 vendors (or Mivzak) will update the appropriate field. The report updates the vendor card with percentage that matches the deduction type set in the account. If a certain vendor has different deduction percentages for different types of deductions, then a separate Vendor Card must be opened for each type of deduction.

Book Management Confirmation: A report up to 1000 vendors (or Mivzak) updates whether the vendor has a book management confirmation (public organizations are not allowed to pay anyone who does not have such confirmation).

Reports Two Numbers (Married Couple): use this section when a particular account is reporting for two VAT registration numbers (married couple or partnership).

Israel Tax Authority Vendor Name: When issuing a report for up to 1000 vendors or Mivzak (to update vendors’ withholding tax certificate information), WizCount updates this field with the Vendor’s Name as it is registered with the Israel Tax Authority. This name is retrieved when issuing Report 856 (Withholding Tax Report), because the Israel Tax Authority may announce an error if you fail to report the accurate name. This field cannot be updated manually, so as not to cause any errors in Report 856.



Installments, Credit and Total Credit Risk

Payment Terms: This section is used to selects the customer’s payment terms (e.g. end of month plus 30 days). To set the various types of payment terms methods go to: General Data> Inventory Documents Settings> Split Payments.

Maximum Open Credit: the customers maximum allowable debt. Open credit is the balance of the card in accounting.

Average Payments Delay: When you run the Average Payments Delay Report, WizCount will update this clause with the average number of days the customer is late to pay invoices. This record can be corrected (for example: if you believe the customer’s promise of improving their payment ethics). The data in this clause is essential when planning the cash flow of a business: WizCount can take into account the average delay for each customer, and thus know when payment is likely to be made.

Maximum Total Credit Risk: The customer’s maximum allowable Total Credit Risk. Total Credit Risk includes the debt balance in accounting + future checks + open delivery notes. The total amount is the risk the business takes in case the customer goes bankrupt. Sales can be disallowed for customers that exceed their maximum allowable Total Credit Risk.

Total Credit Risk Balance: The customer’s Total Credit Risk Balance.

Note: When checking the Total Credit Risk balance, the software “assumes” that there are no checks from the customer in the cash box with overdue payment dates. In other words, all checks with overdue payment dates must be deposited in the bank. If these checks have mistakenly remained in the cash box, their amount must be added to the Total Credit Risk balance.

Postdated Checks: The balance of the customer’s postdated checks.

Deviation: the amount exceeded from the customer’s maximum allowable Total Credit Risk (i.e. the difference between the actual total credit risk balance and the maximum allowable total credit risk).

Settling Currency: This section determines the currency by which the software will record internal closures (receipts versus invoices) when running Internal Matching. It is advisable to leave the default currency (NIS) unchanged, for customer and vendor cards abroad as well. Closing accounts against payments will be made according to sums in NIS (rather than Foreign Exchange) The reasons for this recommendation are: (1) When recording receipts, WizCount automatically records NIS Rate differentials transactions, thus making the closings in NIS overlap with the F/X closings. (2) In each journal transaction, it is mandatory (according to book management directives) to record the amount in NIS. Additionally, at the end of the year the balance of the card must be calculated in NIS, and the open transactions (in NIS) which create that balance must be explained.

F/X Documents Currency: The default currency to be recorded in import and export documents.

Rate Differentials Account: WizCount allows you to automatically record rate differential entries. This section determines the account in which the rate differentials journal entry shall be recorded for the account in question (e.g. customers rate differentials account in $). If no rate differential account is set for the current Account Card, the Journal Entry will be registered in a general rate differential card recorded on the page: Company Data.



Printing Formats

Invoices, delivery notes, orders, etc. can be designed for the customer you are currently working on (the customer whose account card you are currently working on).

If no special design is chosen, the design of the documents for the current customer will comply with the general design.

The design is not created within the Cloud software. WizCount instructors create the designs using an external software. After the documents are designed, they can be imported into the Cloud Software database.

On the current page –

In the Document column, select the document you want to choose a design for later on.

Choose the design in the printing Format column. As mentioned, you can import designs, or choose the default design (Hebrew format).

In the last column, click the floppy disk icon to save your selection (in the same row). 

If you would like to change the design, please contact WizCount Tech Support via email.




Attach File

You can attach files to Account Cards and Item Cards. For example, you can attach a picture of the customer or several pictures of the item.

In the General Information tab, click the Attach File button.  In the window that opens, you can select a File From a Files Folder or select a New File and upload it.

To select an existing file: Select the desired folder in the dialogue box, all the files in the folder should be displayed on the screen. Click the images that you would like to include in your Account or Item Cards. WizCount will mark a V next to each selected image. To deselect – click once again.

To attach a new file: Click the Upload File button, and select your file.

Enter a description of the file (to make it easier to find) and check the Public File option to make it visible to all users.

In the Folders window, select the folder where the new image will be saved.

To finish, click the green button and wait for the upload to be completed.

Click the OK button and return to the Main Page of the Account Card or the Item Card. The selected images are displayed on the page.

When you attach several images, you can select one of them to be the default image appearing in documents. To do this, move your mouse over the image and check the check box at the bottom of the image. 

To delete an image’s link to an Account or Item Card, hover the mouse over the image and select the bin icon that pops up.


Data for Marketing and Purchase Documents 

 % General Discount: A General discount is the discount at the end of the document, applying to all the items in the document. When discounting items (within each line), the general discount will be added to those discounts. Generally, the discount at the bottom of the invoice is used for the Payment-Terms Discount (cash discount) and it is therefore preferable to list the fixed discounts within the lines – see Discounts and Fees below.

Salesperson: The number of the salesperson in managing the customer’s account. This number is shown by default when invoices, orders, etc. are issued to the customer.

Central account: There are cases where a Delivery Note may be issued for one customer, but the invoice is issued for another customer. In these cases, use this section to enter the Account Key of the customer to be charged. For example: When working with chain stores, goods are sent to the store branches with a delivery note, while the tax invoice is issued to the chain store management. In this case, an Account Card is opened for network management as well as an Account Card for each of the branches. The Main Branch Account Key is entered in this section for each branch Account Card.

EDI Number: An Electronic Data Interchange number is an identifier for digital business data transfer (for example, this number is required when forwarding delivery notes to chain stores).

Customer Credit Points Balance: WizCount allows customers to earn points as part of sales promotions. Customers can use these points in subsequent purchases. In this section, the software shows the customer’s points balance.

Export Documents Address: This is the shipping address used for issuing an Export Account. When designing the printing format for Export Documents, select this field instead of (or in addition to) the address in the account.

Marketing Documents Notification: This notification is displayed after the Account Card is registered in the Marketing and Purchase Documents. It is recommended to use this notification to draw the attention of the document issuer to the customer. For example: “This customer may not be sold to without management approval.”

Sale To Customer – Sellable Item Lists: Chain stores (and other businesses) may impose a Sellable Item List, incorporating the only items that may be sold to a particular branch. For example, branch number 1 is may be sold the items A, B and C only, while branch number 2 is allowed to be sold the items A, C and D only. Each such set of items is called a Sellable Item List. You can use this section to attribute a Sellable Item List to the customer (branch). 

Email Letters / Payment by Bank Clearing to Customer/Vendor: In this clause, you enable sending letters and approvals of Payment by Bank Clearing to the customer via email. In this section you may enter a different email address than the one appearing on the Account Card main screen.



Additional Amounts / Additional Dates / Additional Notes

Sometimes the fields listed above are not enough to record all customer or vendor data, and Additional Fields are needed. WizCount allows you to add an unlimited number of fields to all Account Cards. Data from these additional fields can be retrieved using the Report Designer as well as in Marketing and Purchase Documents.

There are three types of Addition Fields: Amount fields (e.g. customer’s number of employees), Date fields (e.g. customer’s birthday), and text or Note fields (e.g. The name of the Purchase officer). Each field you add will be added to all the cards (meaning, it is impossible to add certain fields to customer cards and other fields to vendor cards. All fields will be added to all types of cards). As mentioned, the number of fields that can be added is unlimited.

To update data, go to the field you wish to update and enter the desired value. For example: To update the customer’s number of employees, go to the corresponding field line and enter the number of employees.

To delete an Additional Field, select the Bin icon in the right column. To add an Additional Field, select the Add Amount/Date/Note Fields button. To rename a particular field, select Change Field.